- Cost-plus method
- Метод 'затраты плюс'. . Словарь экономических терминов .
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
cost-plus method — išlaidomis grindžiamas metodas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Kainodaros metodas, kurį naudojant taikomas tam tikras antkainis tiekėjo išlaidoms. atitikmenys: angl. cost plus method šaltinis NATO mokymų ir pratybų finansavimo terminų žodynas … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Cost-plus pricing — is a pricing method used by companies to maximize their profits. The firms accomplish their objective of profit maximization by increasing their production until marginal revenue equals marginal cost, and then charging a price which is determined … Wikipedia
cost-plus — adjective determining payment based on the actual cost of production plus an agreed upon fee or rate of profit (Freq. 1) a cost plus government contract • Similar to: ↑indeterminate, ↑undetermined * * * cost plus, an arrangement or contract under … Useful english dictionary
cost-plus contract — A contract entered into by a supplier in which the goods or services provided to the customer are charged at cost plus an agreed percentage markup. This method of pricing is very common if the cost of producing the commodity is unknown or if its… … Accounting dictionary
cost-plus contract — A contract entered into by a supplier in which the goods or services provided to the customer are charged at cost plus an agreed percentage markup. This method of pricing is very common if the cost of producing the commodity is unknown or if its… … Big dictionary of business and management
cost-plus transfer prices — Transfer prices set by cost plus pricing, which include a mark up to provide a profit for the supplying division. When variable costs rather than full costs are used in this calculation, the mark up will need to be higher to cover both the fixed… … Accounting dictionary
cost-plus transfer prices — Transfer prices set by cost plus pricing, which include a mark up to provide a profit for the supplying division. When variable costs rather than full costs are used in this calculation, the mark up will need to be higher to cover both the fixed… … Big dictionary of business and management
cost-plus — adjective denoting a method of pricing something in which a fixed profit factor is added to the costs … English new terms dictionary
cost-plus pricing — /kɒst plʌs ˌpraɪsɪŋ/ noun a pricing method that involves basing the price on the production costs and adding a percentage for margin … Marketing dictionary in english
Variable Cost-Plus Pricing — A pricing method in which the selling price is established by adding a markup to total variable costs. The expectation is that the markup will contribute to meeting all or a part of fixed costs, and generate some level of profit. Variable cost… … Investment dictionary
cost — Expense; price. The sum or equivalent expended, paid or charged for something. See also actual cost costs net cost rate costing cost bond … Black's law dictionary